Changes for Planning Enforcement

Changes for Planning Enforcement

James Firth

Apr, 10 2024

The Government has announced the 25th April 2024 as the date on which significant changes to planning enforcement rules will take effect.

The changes, proposed as part of the Levelling-up and Regeneration Act (LURA) 2023, will be brought into effect by new regulations. These regulations also cover several changes to the Planning Act, such as the timescales for enforcement actions.

From the day of commencement, the time local planning authorities have to take enforcement action against unauthorised development in England will change from four to ten years.

It should, however, be noted that the transitional provisions mean that operational development that is substantially completed before the 25th April 2024, will remain subject to the four year rule. This will also be the case for changes of use of a building to a single dwelling, where the breach occurred before the 25th April 2024.

Local authorities in England will also have the ability to issue longer temporary stop notices on development – up from 28 days, to 56 days.

Increases to the financial penalties applicable for failure to comply with breach of condition and maintenance of land notices are also covered.

Fully grasping and considering the implications of these legal changes to planning enforcement is going to be crucial in effectively navigating the system and obtaining successful outcomes.

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